sociotard: colorize test 1
sociotard: Triple-take Rainbow
sociotard: Indian Cave in Craters of the Moon edit
sociotard: Sword, light painted
sociotard: Sword with sparks 2
sociotard: Sword with sparks 1
sociotard: coins and fire4
sociotard: coins and fire3
sociotard: coins and fire2
sociotard: coins and fire1
sociotard: Baby Bird Abstract
sociotard: Silo sepia
sociotard: The Great Pumpkin
sociotard: Grain Silo at Dawn
sociotard: 1967 Mustang
sociotard: Colorization of Filaments burning
sociotard: Bee with Apple Blossom
sociotard: Lichen Close Up
sociotard: Little Waterfall
sociotard: Layered Snow Melting
sociotard: Firehole Falls
sociotard: Brickwork
sociotard: Leaf with dew
sociotard: Recovering from Surgery
sociotard: Ducks taking off
sociotard: Headlights under an overpass
sociotard: Ice Cream Sundae
sociotard: self portrait in exposed sewer pipe
sociotard: Playground in winter
sociotard: Headlights remixed