brutuslionheart91: Decided to try going on a LCC Cruise
brutuslionheart91: The Leeward Cruising Club does cruises twice a week I believe followed by a dance afterwards so I fought I would gibs it a twy
brutuslionheart91: A cruise was meant to take your time and enjoy but apparently these people think its a race
brutuslionheart91: Dis idiot here sideswiped me as they went past!
brutuslionheart91: I did see some weally cool boats like this sailing ship behind me
brutuslionheart91: I hope that is the wemains of da boat that ran into my boat and spun my boat around causing me some problems trying to get back on course
brutuslionheart91: Dis P-38 Lightning flying over head kep flying over
brutuslionheart91: Looks like I am the last one since nobody else is speeding past me but I continue on
brutuslionheart91: I did finish da cruise but I decided to leave the group after this experiance
brutuslionheart91: I needs to find a group that actually does a cruise and not a race
brutuslionheart91: At da Junkyawd
brutuslionheart91: Showing off my dance moves
brutuslionheart91: Jess was pwayin some gweat tunes while harlow was jiggeing the people on da dance floor
brutuslionheart91: Wewaxing dis ebening wiff a cookie and some hot Chawklet wiff my blanket
brutuslionheart91: Movie night at Benny's Dwive-in
brutuslionheart91: Pawty wiff Benny
brutuslionheart91: Dat gurl makes me hungwy wiff da chicken bucket on her head
brutuslionheart91: I am wearning some new dance moves
brutuslionheart91: After all dat gyrating I needs a dwink
brutuslionheart91: Cwuising awound some colder regions of sl
brutuslionheart91: Dis is da Blake Passage and I used to live right der
brutuslionheart91: Cutting some wood for da fire
brutuslionheart91: I gots dis new axe fwom Veloce
brutuslionheart91: It cuts wood like buttah
brutuslionheart91: Going our cwuizin in my pontoon boat today
brutuslionheart91: Coming backs to da Iwands of New Engwand to see wot it wooks wike in da winter
brutuslionheart91: It is vewy bootiful heres and highly wecommended you come checks it out
brutuslionheart91: Someday I may has to wive here
brutuslionheart91: Staw light Staw Bwight where is my Aweesha tonight
brutuslionheart91: Sitting by da fire