brutuslionheart91: In da wee mawning hours before da sun wose I decided to takes a long journey in my boat
brutuslionheart91: It was an adventure I has been wanting to takes for a long time
brutuslionheart91: I bwought a cup of cawffee to ensure I stayed awake
brutuslionheart91: Why it was a couple of Dinkies on der own adventure. I did stop and tawk to dem bweifly and continued on my journey
brutuslionheart91: I seen awl kinds of fings like castles
brutuslionheart91: and wemote Islands
brutuslionheart91: Oh I am nearing my destination
brutuslionheart91: Dis is da Iswands of New Engwand
brutuslionheart91: It was bootiful here wiff awl da twees changing cowors
brutuslionheart91: Dis looks wike a nice pwace to wive
brutuslionheart91: I weally enjoying wooking awound here
brutuslionheart91: Diwectwy acwoss fwom me over da waters for about 300 meters is my home but you cant sail those waters
brutuslionheart91: As I come back home I was satisfied now knowing what was on da udder side of that unsailable water
brutuslionheart91: I go to sweep facing da Islands of New England
brutuslionheart91: It was a bit chilly today so Aweesha and I wore our sweaters
brutuslionheart91: It's sweater weadder
brutuslionheart91: Eben Benny wore a sweater
brutuslionheart91: Aweesha supervising my work
brutuslionheart91: After getting most of the raking done I takes a bweak
brutuslionheart91: Aweesha dances today so I gets to da Muse earwy to gets a good seat
brutuslionheart91: Dis one is about Barnum and Bailey Circus
brutuslionheart91: Michael, Anna and Jenna joined me to watch da show
brutuslionheart91: It was very coworful wiff da diffewent costumes and all
brutuslionheart91: It was a gweat show as awl Muse shows are fantastic
brutuslionheart91: After da show Aweesha tells me awl da fun she had
brutuslionheart91: Dressed for this nice autumn day
brutuslionheart91: She says my poo does in fact stink
brutuslionheart91: We go for a wide in my motorboat
brutuslionheart91: I bwought my Jetson space ship to Bennys drive -in
brutuslionheart91: Aweesha and I decided to go Steampunk to Benny's pawty