nodie26: 玉里 稻田
Jonathan van Smit: 'The wind screamed through the roof tops, struggling to get inside, and the darkness came. She closed her eyes to rest but her spirit ran away, slipping over our world, gone from us. I don't remember her name but I wish I had hugged her'
Jonathan van Smit: Mr Number 1. The boss. Drunk. "You have a good attitude to life", he said. His bodyguard (at the rear) had horrendous scars on his left arm from a knife fight.
zwei131: 雲火龍
藤田信二: car0149
cute0920_2: 台灣糖業鐵路
藤田信二: car0174
藤田信二: 3L8A7285
藤田信二: 3L8A7271
Vijce: The Road Not Taken: And That Has Made All The Difference
Si Xuan: 41190029
Si Xuan: 41190035
apple0409: 暖陽 油菜花
曹公公....: CHI_9397
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20141210DSC_1468_月光雲海
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20150121DSC_4044_波斯菊
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: 20150121DSC_4013_彩繪火車&花田
異鄉過客: _DSC4534
zwei131: 曬烏金
曹公公....: CHI_5930
大寫D: n_005
Eric Song-Photo: 台北機廠141023-05
Eric Song-Photo: 台北機廠141023-04
Eric Song-Photo: 台北機廠141023-02