M. Georgiev: DSC_0792
M. Georgiev: Builder
M. Georgiev: Sing, sing ... my little friend
M. Georgiev: Friends
M. Georgiev: Seagull
M. Georgiev: Urban thief
M. Georgiev: Seagull
M. Georgiev: EgyptianVulture (Sofia zoo)
M. Georgiev: Stork portrait
M. Georgiev: Go go go
M. Georgiev: Pink Pelican (Sofia zoo)
M. Georgiev: Crow carry lunch (a walnut) in the autumn rain
M. Georgiev: Sparrow
M. Georgiev: Turdus merula (common blackbird)
M. Georgiev: Great gray shrike (сива сврачка / Lanius excubitor)
M. Georgiev: Adult white stork with 3 babies
M. Georgiev: A family white storks
M. Georgiev: White stork
M. Georgiev: Eurasioan colored dove (Гугутка)
M. Georgiev: Barn swalow (hirundo rustica)
M. Georgiev: Thrush nightingale (Северен славей; {Luscinia luscinia})
M. Georgiev: Common kestrel (falco tinnunculus; черношипа ветрушка)
M. Georgiev: Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus; Ливаден блатар)
M. Georgiev: Eagles
M. Georgiev: Marsh harrier (Circus Aeruginonus Тръстиков блатар)
M. Georgiev: Buteo or hawk (too far to say)
M. Georgiev: Eurasian coot (Fulica atra; Обикновена лиска)
M. Georgiev: Common wood pigeon (Columba Palumbus; Гривяк)