M. Georgiev: Common kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
M. Georgiev: Eurasian coot (Fulica atra)
M. Georgiev: Freesia
M. Georgiev: Pelargonium
M. Georgiev: Turkish delight
M. Georgiev: Okonomiyaki and yakitori chicken
M. Georgiev: Yakitori chicken
M. Georgiev: Mackarel - Japanese style
M. Georgiev: Liliums
M. Georgiev: Gyu no tataki
M. Georgiev: Pork tempura with curry sause
M. Georgiev: Smoked pork with herbs
M. Georgiev: Young common buzzard
M. Georgiev: Common buzzard
M. Georgiev: Common staling (Sturnus vulgaris; Обикновен скорец)
M. Georgiev: The truth!
M. Georgiev: What the bras are for...
M. Georgiev: Common kestrel (falco tinnunculus; черношипа ветрушка)
M. Georgiev: Common wood pigeon (Columba Palumbus; Гривяк)
M. Georgiev: Eurasian coot (Fulica atra; Обикновена лиска)
M. Georgiev: Buteo or hawk (too far to say)
M. Georgiev: Marsh harrier (Circus Aeruginonus Тръстиков блатар)
M. Georgiev: Eagles
M. Georgiev: Montagu's harrier (Circus pygargus; Ливаден блатар)
M. Georgiev: Common kestrel (falco tinnunculus; черношипа ветрушка)
M. Georgiev: Thrush nightingale (Северен славей; {Luscinia luscinia})
M. Georgiev: Barn swalow (hirundo rustica)
M. Georgiev: Eurasioan colored dove (Гугутка)