Shelley Huang: Passiflora Coccinea
Aubster Capturing the moment: Hoverfly Metasyrphus latifasciatus
BandG-Foto: Ginny
andrea hallgass: Raphidia mediterranea ( Aspöck H., Aspöck U., Rausch , 1977)
Allan Lance: hairy winged lacewing
Jaume Bobet: Oxythyrea funesta
zaidirazak: leaf rolling beetle
DABMARCO Anthocharis cardamines...
Ireneusz Irass Walędzik: Zorzynek rzeżuchowiec.
omtelsimon: IMG_6986 Viciria, Jumping spider.
Bruno Garcia Alvares: Hermitia illucens (Stratiomyidae)
Miron Karlinsky: Robber Fly
cc-chang: DSC_9033
Arslan UÇAR: 10.05.2015-1
cc-chang: DSC_3718
Haris Prin: Sepsid Fly
Colin-47: Spiny halo
cc-chang: DSC_2575
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Geometrid Moth (Antipercnia sp., Ennominae, Geometridae)
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Horned Mantis Nymph (Ceratomantis sp., Hymenopodidae)
Henri.Galimberti: IMG_5655_1
omtelsimon: IMG_6832 Robber fly with prey! Cropped image.
melnikor: Longhorn beetle
jsanchezq65: DSC_8797-2-5
tarif hassan: baby frog
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Golden Stink Bug Nymph (Cressona sp., Phyllocephalinae)
Soumik's Photography: Common Pierrot
billunder: Flea / Amphipod
cc-chang: DSC_9025
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Saturniid Silkmoth (Antheraea cf. roylei, Saturniidae), male