Urutu_From_SW_PA: Okay, it's a bit disturbing; but...(2 of 3)
JayEssEmm: 2018ff30june_d800a1jsm
ofdewdrops: 20180503_175620
ofdewdrops: 20180503_173044
ofdewdrops: 20180503_174140
ofdewdrops: 20180503_175322
ofdewdrops: 20180503_175753
ofdewdrops: 20180503_180225
AlexLamoreaux: Swallow-tailed Kite (adult)--Marion Co, FL
hooligans_8: Long-tailed Duck
malcolmgold: Pyrrhuloxia
Christopher Lindsey: Steller's Eider
Gorgo7: Softshell Turtle
hooetr: Common Loon
jhaus3: Olive-sided Flycatcher
MeiLover: What's to come for the former polar bear exhibit
hooligans_8: Green Heron
jhaus3: White-tailed Ptarmigan
davidpatick: Drake Cinnamon Teal at Robert C. Byrd Locks and Dams in Mason County,WV on 3-5-2017.
jhaus3: Purple Gallinule
kwtracyghostship: City sunset
hooetr: Greater and Lesser Scaup
ml's pictures: RWBL, leucistic
Gorgo7: Barred Owl 01-21-16
hooligans_8: Short-eared Owl
Laura Erickson: Selfie of me and the Ivory Gull!