dnoseworth: Belted Kingfisher
dnoseworth: Getting personal with the Fox
dnoseworth: Canada's National bird
dnoseworth: Common Loon in the early morning light!
dnoseworth: Belted Kingfisher
dnoseworth: Indigo Bunting
dnoseworth: Female Eastern Towhee
dnoseworth: Piping Plover Chick," Wheres Momma"!
dnoseworth: Brown Headed Cow Bird
dnoseworth: Hello were trying to get fed over here !!!!
dnoseworth: Great Grey Owl,"The Art of Birds "
dnoseworth: Snowy Owl
dnoseworth: Ring-Billed Gull, "The Art of Birds "
dnoseworth: White Tail Buck
dnoseworth: Common Loon
dnoseworth: Pileated Woodpecker,"The Art of Birds"
dnoseworth: Merlin," The Art of Birds
dnoseworth: Male Grebe,"The Art of Birds"
dnoseworth: Black Bellied Plover ,"The Art of Birds "
dnoseworth: Tribute to France
dnoseworth: Black Crowned Night Heron,"The Art of Birds"
dnoseworth: Whitetail Buck
dnoseworth: Female Red Winged Black Bird, "The Art of Birds"
dnoseworth: Osprey meets Mr Nikon, "The Art of Birds"
dnoseworth: Great Grey Heron, "The Art of Birds"
dnoseworth: Black Bellied Plover , "The Art of Birds"
dnoseworth: Great Blue Heron , "The Art of Birds"
dnoseworth: Belted Kingfisher, "The Art of Birds "
dnoseworth: Black Capped Chickadee,"The Art of Birds "
dnoseworth: Pectoral Sandpiper ,"The Art of Birds"