Tim Torner: Freedom
_esse_: mamilhaminatapai
greg kear2012: Peek-a-boo
_esse_: carry you home
Frank Lindecke: Landscape
sensdessusdessous: Pescatori al tramonto
sensdessusdessous: A strange silhouette
◕‿◕colpo d'occhio◕‿◕: VIA COL VENTO...........GONE WITH THE WIND............
braxton.klavins: Correen Bo
Maestro-Photography: Chateau du Procureur HDR (17)
StephenGA: "If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night, I'll bet they'd live a lot differently." - Bill Watterson
StephenGA: Saturn on August 4th, 2013 - Cropped Version
StephenGA: Kennesaw Sunset on August 4th, 2013
StephenGA: Kennesaw Sunset on August 4th, 2013
◕‿◕colpo d'occhio◕‿◕: IL RIFUGIO DELL'ANIMA...........
Richard McGuire: Nightfall over Osoyoos
Richard McGuire: Dance rehearsal
Adam Yurkunas: Hangover
◕‿◕colpo d'occhio◕‿◕: IL CARRETTO ROSSO.........
Antonela's Images: Country life
sensdessusdessous: Microcosmo
Orione59: The suk
◕‿◕colpo d'occhio◕‿◕: A SPASSO CON PAPA'........