Keith.Lowe: American Coot - Sullivan's Pond, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia 25-Jan-2016
sunspotimages: More Fall Colors 3-0 F LR 10-26-15 J057
bluegreenorange: The Brian & Cindy
dennis.garratt: white breasted nuthatch
alix.dentremont: Yawning Black-bellied Plover
Pubnicobirder: American Kestrel
PeterBrannon: Roseate Spoonbill
Iguanasan: Scott Kelby Worldwide Photo Walk 2015
alixdentremontbirds: Pomarine Jaeger
alix.dentremont: Common Eider with Green Crab
PeterBrannon: Black-Necked Stilt
PeterBrannon: Chilly Pipit
alix.dentremont: Male Downy Woodpecker
alix.dentremont: Laughing Gull
alix.dentremont: Ring-billed Gull
alix.dentremont: Female Wood Duck
alix.dentremont: Rusty Blackbird Scanning for Bugs
alix.dentremont: Orange-crowned Warbler
alix.dentremont: Semipalmated Plover
alix.dentremont: Semipalmated Sandpiper
alix.dentremont: Adult White-rumped Sandpiper
alix.dentremont: Male Northern Cardinal
alix.dentremont: 8 Point Buck
alix.dentremont: Cattle Egret
PeterBrannon: White-eyed Vireo: Nova Scotia Edition
PeterBrannon: Wood Stork Portrait
PeterBrannon: Wading for Godot...errr Godwit.
PeterBrannon: Piping Plover
PeterBrannon: Black Skimmer