Dave_Lawrence: Yellow-rumped Warbler---Setophaga coronata
Willie - Brown: Larry's Truck & Electric SD9 #847 {built 3/57 as DMIR 126} is at McDonald, OH on 2/11/2001.
mesquakie8: Snowy Owl (Bubo scandiacus)
C.P. Kirkie: Back Behind the Sagebrush Curtain - with a question (2 of 2)
Hockey.Lover: Red-breasted Sapsucker
Chuck Gates: Marsh Wren
Eric_Johnson_Photo2c: Snowden I love You. ❤️
Keith Carlson: Golden Eagles
Hockey.Lover: Quail in flight, a rare sight!
Chuck Gates: 7N1A9864
Hockey.Lover: Bewick's Balancing Act
Hockey.Lover: Anna in his favorite flower
Obscure_yard: Fresh and faded paint
Hockey.Lover: Rufous Girl
Patrick Dirden: Unfamiliar Territory
Chuck Gates: Northern Shrike
Hockey.Lover: Townsend's Warbler IN MY YARD!!!!!!!!!!
Chuck Gates: Ring-necked Pheasant
mesquakie8: Emperor Goose (Anser canagicus)
Chuck Gates: Mountain Chickadee
mesquakie8: American Avocet (Recurvirostra americana)
Hockey.Lover: Hoodie minus the window
Chuck Gates: Rough-legged Hawk
tinyfishy: (N.American Species #621a) Vulnerable WHITE-CAPPED ALBATROSS
Chuck Gates: "Red-shafted" Northern Flicker Male
emikek: St Helens National Monument - Coldwater Lake - Minnie Peak-4519-1
Blake Matheson: TOWA111317a (1 of 1)
R Hardy: Barred Owl
Hockey.Lover: Plumbeous Vireo
Michael Patnode: Elegance Series Photo One