youngwarrior: Pine Siskin
youngwarrior: House Finch
youngwarrior: Northern Flicker
youngwarrior: Long-billed Dowitchers
youngwarrior: Evening Grosbeak
youngwarrior: Common Teal
youngwarrior: Common Loon
youngwarrior: Snowy Owl
youngwarrior: Burrowing Owl
youngwarrior: Black-headed Grosbeak
youngwarrior: Greater & Lesser Yellowlegs
youngwarrior: American Kestrel
youngwarrior: American Kestrel
youngwarrior: American Kestrel
youngwarrior: Double-crested Cormorant
youngwarrior: Pelagic Cormorant
youngwarrior: Evening Grosbeak
youngwarrior: Domestic Goose
youngwarrior: Brown Pelican
youngwarrior: Surf Scoter
youngwarrior: May I Have This Dance?
youngwarrior: I'm Ignoring You
youngwarrior: Willet
youngwarrior: Willet
youngwarrior: Ain't I Pretty?
youngwarrior: Please Give Me a Drink
youngwarrior: A Guy and His Girls
youngwarrior: Odd Man Out?
youngwarrior: Snowy Egret
youngwarrior: Red-tailed Hawk (Dark Phase)