MOZBOZ1: Cuckoo
missymandel: Common loon & chick
Sworldguy: Tugboats at the Quay
jacobsfrank: Weidebeekjuffer Kingfisher fishing.
rogerrao: 遊隼 Peregrine Falcon
PeterBrannon: As Fresh As it Gets
PeterBrannon: Pileated Woodpecker
PeterBrannon: Osprey
PeterBrannon: Osprey European Green Woodpecker, Picus viridis sharpei, Pito Real
Andres Moline: Immature female Phidippus regius
nick5943: Ring Ouzel 2-4-16 Wigboro Wick St Osyth_F8A9842
Andy Morffew: Sexual Dimorphism in Bald Eagles
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: JWL1545 Goldcrest....
M inspired by nature: Platbuik Libelle Broad-bodied chaser Dragonfly
Pascale MD: Marmotte
JJFMHopps: Cicade nimf
JJFMHopps: Wespbij
JJFMHopps: Zweefvlieg
JJFMHopps: Ectemnius cavifrons
JJFMHopps: Wasp
Ylliab Photo: Mens - Le Devoluy - Isére
missymandel: Polar Bear
alicolly: nijlpaardgeweld
Dominic Marcoux: Grey pride
philnewton928: In The Olifants River - African Elephants
mark.helfthewes: Eis am See