Warzone Studio: Tau diorama
SEXY Painted: IMG_20170131_101343
banzai1000: Legio Custodes Contemptor Dreadnought
ComradeQuiche: Evil Sunz Deff Dread
Feannadh: Grave Wardens
SEXY Painted: cassius2
SEXY Painted: librarian
Miniature Painting: XV104 Riptide Battlesuit
nerdalert40k: Emperors Children Kakophoni
Warzone Studio: Land Raiders
Warzone Studio: Zoanthrope
KrautScientist: Khorne's Eternal Hunt (4)
Warzone Studio: Plasma-ball and a Drop Pod #miniatures_warzone40k #conversion #warhammer40k
SharonovAndrew: HH_Seva_002
Miniature Painting: GREAT BRASS SCORPION (Forgeworld)
neojarlaxe: Gaunt Summoner
Gregglesfyn: Nova Charity Deff Dread 5
Duca Strige: Death Company Squad Raphen
The Grimy Painter: Death Guard Contemptor
Крю: DSC07777
ablizmo: Hold the Line! Tyranids vs Carcharodons
banzai1000: Orruks Ironjawz Megaboss
Toxogen: "Iron Fists" Chapter Champion
hugo_flandes: Captain Alexis Polux of the Imperial Fist
Feannadh: Death Guard Tactical Squad
Wesley H.: 20150920-Wraith Knight-006
Celsork: Justaerins 02