PaulCiMages: Notes contradicting Gibon fill half the page - #Reading The Rise & Fall of the Roman Empire
PaulCiMages: Necessary this AM.
PaulCiMages: Homemade tic-tac-toe. #Fridaynight #LosBravos
PaulCiMages: #Sunday afternoon #activities. #nowreading
PaulCiMages: Hidden horse #photo #hikedartmoor
PaulCiMages: Enjoyed exploring a #castle this morning. #hikedartmoor
PaulCiMages: Handcrafted beach life recovery meal. Ensures any beach related weight loss is immediately reversed & keeps the dad bod pulling strong
PaulCiMages: Sunrise this morning. #Beach
PaulCiMages: Daughters are the best.
PaulCiMages: Turns out the #thelittlelady & #thelittlerlady are more adept at scrambling than I am.
PaulCiMages: Saturday morning #hike. #stillworkingonmarge'snaturalsmile
PaulCiMages: Teaching the girls how to play capture the flag today. I was assigned this flag. First time for everything. #daughters
PaulCiMages: Prepping for first #run in 2.5 months. Left foot forward then right foot forward....right?
PaulCiMages: My boy George. #thisshouldshakethingsupnicely
PaulCiMages: Just FYI for the next time we meet, I am now a giant.
PaulCiMages: Wearing shorts, in November. Only seemed natural to pick up one of these. #christmas2015 #weatherisconfusing
PaulCiMages: Growing up too fast. Also, was told I needed to ask her permission before posting a picture of her. Noted.
PaulCiMages: Had been standing still and the moment I begin to take a photo she runs...
PaulCiMages: Working in the yard. Turn around and find I have spectators. I think they have a better gig.
PaulCiMages: Cleaning out the basement and found dive log books from when my Dad & I got certified together. Glad he was my Dad. #memories
PaulCiMages: Just spent 3 days here with my brothers and Mr. F. Fantastic time but I will not complain about a decent pillow tonight. #cohuttawilderness
PaulCiMages: Little afternoon planning for upcoming hike. Notes made possible by @riteintherain. #cohuttawilderness
PaulCiMages: Looking up at a clock formerly known as Ben. #photo
PaulCiMages: Glad to be home.
PaulCiMages: Pouring rain and now this. #photo
PaulCiMages: View from the office this AM. #Rotterdam #photo
PaulCiMages: Told the girls "Mommy disappeared." Apparently Mary Frances is the only one who cared. #photo
PaulCiMages: Huge fan of clouds + beach. #photography
PaulCiMages: Two key points about this photo. #Marge is not bothered by being caked in sand. Marge also believes that sand enhances the taste of goldfish.
PaulCiMages: Storm rolling in. #beach #photography