mix.past.1990: Summer frame..
mix.past.1990: PNTX3508
mix.past.1990: PNTX3518
mix.past.1990: Urban_Rainy
mix.past.1990: 10 Beaufort gust
mix.past.1990: POW_Fb28
mix.past.1990: Long_Exp1
mix.past.1990: Evening landscape
mix.past.1990: Happy Easter!
mix.past.1990: Athens, Greece
mix.past.1990: Sunset-2
mix.past.1990: Tied in place
mix.past.1990: Hide and seek
mix.past.1990: World_Photo_Day
mix.past.1990: World_Photo_Day
mix.past.1990: Covering the mountains..
mix.past.1990: Two churches
mix.past.1990: Looking at the lights..
mix.past.1990: Moody scene
mix.past.1990: Serene landscape
mix.past.1990: Olive trees dancing
mix.past.1990: For a walk with the Canon T-70
mix.past.1990: Cloudscapes...
mix.past.1990: Cloudscapes...
mix.past.1990: Rough but beautiful
mix.past.1990: Ambiance
mix.past.1990: The day in two photos.
mix.past.1990: Geometric compositions