WildAperture: Goldeneye
WildAperture: Greater Scaup female
WildAperture: Ferruginous Duck
Glyn Sellors: Drake Red-breasted Merganser
WildAperture: Marsh Tit
Glyn Sellors: Drake Red-breasted Merganser
Glyn Sellors: Drake Red-breasted Merganser - I went back to Tuckleholme on a sunny day - I waited three hours for this beautiful drake to move into decent light
WildAperture: Common Gull
WildAperture: Ring-necked Parakeet
WildAperture: Common Gull
WildAperture: Black-headed Gull
WildAperture: Black-headed Gull
WildAperture: Short-eared Owl
WildAperture: Short-eared Owl
WildAperture: Long-tailed Duck
WildAperture: Long-tailed Duck
WildAperture: Long-tailed Duck
WildAperture: Long-tailed Duck
WildAperture: Long-tailed Duck
ianpreston: Redshank DSCN6510
WildAperture: Short-eared Owl - early'ish one in low light...
WildAperture: Short-eared Owl - early'ish one in low light...
WildAperture: Short-eared Owl - early'ish one in low light...
WildAperture: Pallas's Warbler - just couldn't get on it properly sigh...
WildAperture: Pallas's Warbler - just couldn't get on it properly sigh...
WildAperture: Radde's Warbler - always distant for me
WildAperture: Black Redstart
WildAperture: Black Redstart
Glyn Sellors: Male Black Redstart
Glyn Sellors: Male Black Redstart - only about 100 pairs breed in the UK - also a scarce passage migrant