LeeCee57: peek a blue (jay)
Dave Trono: Ruby-throated Hummingbird
LeeCee57: along for the ride
LeeCee57: shelter
LeeCee57: look at me!
LeeCee57: raindrops keep falling on my pond
LeeCee57: this way
LeeCee57: bizzzy
LeeCee57: inspecting
LeeCee57: i'll stick around
LeeCee57: peak
LeeCee57: tinier and fuzzier
LeeCee57: sea of green
LeeCee57: tic tac... toe?
LeeCee57: stretch
LeeCee57: hi five
LeeCee57: let's stop here
LeeCee57: all dressed up
LeeCee57: say (green) cheese
LeeCee57: sweet
LeeCee57: over head
LeeCee57: cheerio!
LeeCee57: pretty in pink
LeeCee57: tree the first
LeeCee57: woods
LeeCee57: slowly i turn
LeeCee57: snackin'
LeeCee57: left behind
LeeCee57: marigold
LeeCee57: i do