Frenchy&Jesus: Argiope lobata
the_Armed_high_one: Aladdin on LSD
the_Armed_high_one: Active Learning of Intuitive Control Knobs.
the_Armed_high_one: the Room with Star View experience.
the_Armed_high_one: Tales from the Morgue.
the_Armed_high_one: Those cars did not reach the mass marketing stage.
the_Armed_high_one: dr Bibber...
the_Armed_high_one: the See through forgotten chair view experience.
the_Armed_high_one: at the Principals place...
the_Armed_high_one: Die stoele en die bome.
the_Armed_high_one: the Tinkling piano our guide...
the_Armed_high_one: As bright as white.
the_Armed_high_one: Waiting at the bar.
the_Armed_high_one: Holy ceremony.
the_Armed_high_one: Let the ball begin...
the_Armed_high_one: Le Sanglier.
the_Armed_high_one: Teeth & Dental Health.
the_Armed_high_one: Cemetery of the insane.
the_Armed_high_one: Blackmar-Diemer Gambit.
the_Armed_high_one: No more pencils, No more books, No more teacher's dirty looks
the_Armed_high_one: At the bone doctor.
the_Armed_high_one: Soldat Sonnenschein.
the_Armed_high_one: Höhere Fliegertechnische Schule.
the_Armed_high_one: Roller Coaster Ride.
the_Armed_high_one: It’s time for my medicine!
the_Armed_high_one: First row...