Always_be_closing: The sun came over the mountain like a bear
Always_be_closing: Kitsilano Sunset
Always_be_closing: What colour should we paint the fence?
Always_be_closing: Hey move over you're on my tail.
Always_be_closing: The tree within
HandofSilver: Whirlwind
HandofSilver: Sunset
HandofSilver: Weapon of choice...
HandofSilver: No good against Athiests...
Always_be_closing: As the lid of the ship unscrewed something emerged
HandofSilver: Blur-o-matic
HandofSilver: Kyoto Station
HandofSilver: Bamboo Forest & Us
HandofSilver: Bamboo Forest
HandofSilver: Silhouettes on the river
HandofSilver: Tea at The Oriental
HandofSilver: Ubud Flower
HandofSilver: Bangkok Reflections
HandofSilver: Seconds before the rain...