noviz77: Hamshireh
noviz77: DSC_0559_
noviz77: DSC_0047
noviz77: Il piccolo Nemo
noviz77: Crepuscolaria
noviz77: The Lion Fish
noviz77: Pesce chirurgo
noviz77: Reti tristi di mio padre...
noviz77: must be dreaming...
noviz77: Filicudi from Salina
noviz77: the dragon
noviz77: strawberry
noviz77: Disappointed, and passed over...
noviz77: Some days are better than others...
noviz77: Some days are better than others...
noviz77: My Easter's Exile, part II
noviz77: ...Until the seat belt sign has been switched off.
noviz77: Donde esta la churrasqueria por favor?
noviz77: In God's Country
noviz77: better going home...
noviz77: Black in white
noviz77: P1010912
noviz77: IMG_7740
noviz77: IMG_9709
noviz77: My heart.
noviz77: You who watch...
noviz77: Tango.
noviz77: L'acqua s'asciuca, u siccu si vagna, disiu ri paci, scantu ri guerra...
noviz77: IMG_0586