Rui Palha: Misty
amira_a: R07812
Rui Palha: Into the future
Ragonar: Ôven.
Ragonar: Coffee & Bakery.
Rui Palha: Lisbon
Ragonar: Umbrella.
reivaxavier: In the Shadow
Marcial Bernabéu: Spain - Ciudad Real - Campo de Criptana - Windmills
V A N D E E: Too Bright
Franz J. K.: Straßburg Juli 1979
V A N D E E: Back Style
Wolf-Theo: Düsseldorf Medienhafen, Germany - DSC_2520_M_DxO-2
V A N D E E: Rainy Blur
Neil. Moralee: Life is a balancing act.
jm canfran: "Un amanecer lluvíoso y frío"
Décar - Street photography: Concierge napolitain
Neil. Moralee: And I looked, and behold a pale horse.
EG - NYC Photography: Jogger - Central Park
wernerbuschette: Pictures of an exhibition
Barry John Coleman: The Kelpies guarding Falkirk in Scotland
mmmedia2010: Very interested visitors ...
eliane.6: 27052024-Hyères -01014
Javi Cadiz: Walking & Shopping
inderman1: After Rain