Ned Harris: _U6A0791 Great Blue Heron with Bullfrog
Chas Moonie-Wild Photography: Marsh Harrier Male
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: "Moment of Impact". Capturing a diving Kingfisher as it enters the water.
Ned Harris: _U6A9833 Adult Crested Caracara
Ned Harris: _U6A9708 Adult Prairie Falcon
Ned Harris: _U6A9705 Adult Prairie Falcon
Ned Harris: _U6A9673 Adult Prairie Falcon
Ned Harris: _U6A9496 Adult Red-tailed Hawk
Ned Harris: _U6A9465 Rock Wren 3.5 million views: Juvenile Roadrunner, Pawnee Lake, Oklahoma.
Paul McGoveran: Red-breasted Merganser 7395
geoff'sphotos: Short Eared Owl
James Gregory Wildlife Photography: Faster than a speeding bullet! A kingfisher in mid-flight, wings partially folded.
ianpreston: Redshank DSCN8480
ianpreston: Redshank DSCN8479
ianpreston: Granny's Bay DSCN8509
FDR Photography: The Hunchback of Duxbury Beach
Jose Lozada Nature Photography: Brown pelícano !!
keithross1947: Short-eared owl
keithross1947: Short-eared owl
keithross1947: Short-eared owl
Ned Harris: _U6A8309 Red-tailed Hawk with avian prey
Ned Harris: _U6A8216 Adult Red-tailed Hawk fly-by
Ned Harris: _U6A8065 Adult Ferruginous Hawk
Paul McGoveran: Hooded Merganser 5180