Javier Ábalos: Kokerbooms dream in pink
Javier Ábalos: Pinocchio Anolis (Anolis proboscis) in Ecuador
Jill-Wang: Looking for raindrop
Jill-Wang: ㄚ木妳有事找我是嗎?!
Jill-Wang: 杜鵑花 (Rhododendron)
Michael_Cuggy: 20150623-DSC08067
Michael_Cuggy: Muskrat
Michael_Cuggy: Duck Family
Michael_Cuggy: Image 2015-07-19 at 5.59 PM
Michael_Cuggy: Loggerhead Shrike
Michael_Cuggy: Loggerhead Shrike
Michael_Cuggy: Muskrat
jfl1066: late afternoon lily
jasohill: Heaven Forgive us
jasohill: Chaos in the Sky
jasohill: Summer Paddies are Go
jasohill: Summer Titans
jasohill: While Mortal Men Toil
Amirtha :): Fragrant :)
Amirtha :): Hibiscus
diana_robinson: Zebra in morning light, Nakuru National Park, Kenya
diana_robinson: White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) mother and child
diana_robinson: Zebras waiting their turn for shade under a lone tree on Lake Nakuru
diana_robinson: Two male Rothschild giraffes in Lake Nakuru National Park in Kenya, East Africa engaged in "necking" which is used to establish dominance
cwnlsl: Whooping Cranes
cwnlsl: Whooping Crane
cwnlsl: Whooping Cranes
cwnlsl: Male Cardinal
cwnlsl: Sandhill Crane all puffed up