Klimuś: Flying Bee
Klimuś: Working bee
Klimuś: Colors of flowers 2
Klimuś: Colors of flowers 1
Klimuś: Sunny flower
Klimuś: Wesołych Świąt! // Merry Christmas! // Joyeux Noël! // Feliz Navidad! // Frohe Weihnachten! // Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Klimuś: White butterfly
Klimuś: Flower spider
Klimuś: Hanging on... Cantharis obscura
Klimuś: Beauty of dandelion
Klimuś: Jumper on the wall
Klimuś: Ice gem
Klimuś: // Wesołych Świąt! // Merry Christmas! // Joyeux Noël! // Feliz Navidad! // Frohe Weihnachten! // Vrolijk Kerstfeest!
Klimuś: Spiders break
Klimuś: 3 Hearts
Klimuś: Fly's censored by nature
Klimuś: Dragonfly's Pink Panther impression ;)
Klimuś: Tired Bee
Klimuś: Do Not Disturb...
Klimuś: Ready to jump
Klimuś: Heart of Hibiscus
Klimuś: Say "cheese..."
Klimuś: Mr. Green on the green...
Klimuś: Ladybird enjoying sunshine
Klimuś: Red Baron - Pyrrhidium sanguineum
Klimuś: Fatal bite - Spider vs. Bumblebee
Klimuś: Flowers in drops
Klimuś: Spring time - red plum-tree flower
Klimuś: Wake up, the Sun is here - daffodils
Klimuś: First signs of spring - Crocus