Ron McGuire 1241: Chimp Love
Ron McGuire 1241: Basilisk Lizard
Ron McGuire 1241: Ruffed Lemur (Madagascar)
Ron McGuire 1241: Gorilla mother & baby
Ron McGuire 1241: Albino Gorilla
Ron McGuire 1241: Green Tree Frog Lovers
Ron McGuire 1241: Frog In Flower
Ron McGuire 1241: Tree Frog 02
Ron McGuire 1241: Bell Frogs
Ron McGuire 1241: Tree Frogs 01
Ron McGuire 1241: Wolf With Cubs
Ron McGuire 1241: Leopard - Bornean Clouded
Ron McGuire 1241: Bald Eagle
Ron McGuire 1241: Red and Green Macaw in Flight Brazil
Ron McGuire 1241: Stump tailed Macaque 7 Days old
Ron McGuire 1241: Tiny Iguana
Ron McGuire 1241: Chimpanzee