dmclean2009: "Lost Bastards" and Hill 433: Battle of the Kumsong Salient
Joep R.: Series: One Night in Bruges (part 6)
Joep R.: Midnight Rabbit
charles.frith: SAM_0900
Chad Lilly: Jezebel [Stag Arms 5.56mm] - 3/23/2014 - w/ Vortex Sparc Red Dot, Hogue Grip, UTG Quad Rail (Weight = approx. 8 lbs)
RichardJohnWood: Worse Than Japan Was
TommyOshima: calling
Ryuichi_KINO: ex evacuation zone, Fukushima
WilliamBanzai7/Colonel Flick: INTERNATIONAL LAW 101
yourFAVORITEmartian: Marion Bartoli's butt scoot
Teacher Dude's BBQ: Project Prism
Jesse4870: Heart of the Canyon
subblue: Flux lines A
subblue: Flux lines B
subblue: Chopped checkers 1
subblue: Fabergé Fractals
subblue: Fabergé Fractals
subblue: Fabergé Fractals
Teacher Dude's BBQ: HSBC Systematic Investment Plan - For the drug cartel that is going places