M.K. Design: 台東地標
shinox Chen: 0416_東勢林場
keithderricottephoto: daffodil field
blavandmaster: In a little while...
portalealba: Incandescencias
david_drei: Revisit - Kraftwerk Plessa (31)
香菇肉羹 專賣: 邱愛晨_14
Metal Maik: Sternenhimmel über der Dömitzer Brücke
CG817: IMG_6936
CG817: IMG_4399
[M!chael]: Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.
Vincent_Ting: Cosmos
samyaoo: YAOO2785
samyaoo: YAOO2776
elenashen5: Hey ! Do you have something for me ?
Eden Bromfield: Orange Hygrocybe duo
Xevi V: Vall Mala 2
Agostino D'Ascoli: Sfera con albero di mandorlo - Febbraio-2018
張麗芬 bibi.barbie: Taiwan macaque
tkfranzen: Expressing Glee
tkfranzen: International Cheetah Day 2017
tkfranzen: Feed Meeee!
tkfranzen: Wintering Redpoll
_Rjc9666_: Moura station 317
阿Len: 石門踏雪 Mt.Shimen, Taiwan _IMG_7433