mummibjarni: Skutulsfjörður
Vincent_Ting: Sunset at Mountain Dalun 大崙山夕照
leopc.lin: The Mind Is The Buddha
thales_em01: 20151107-DSC_6359
Name unbekannt: iseefaces on track
Majorimi: Omis old town and the Mirabel fortress
Majorimi: Omis old town
Vincent_Ting: 鳴子峽秋色,鳴子峽 Narugo gorge,奧の細道,大崎市, 宫城县, Japan
eronnunes: 22052015-_DSC0046
alentours & ailleurs: Le pays du vent 082
kenny barker: A sunset of daffodils
m. geven: Waxwing (Bombycilla garullus)
Garett Gabriel: Whitetail deer in a meadow