shelleym: defenses 5
shelleym: defenses 4
shelleym: defenses 3
shelleym: defenses 2
shelleym: defenses 1
shelleym: Sketchbook Jan 29 2014
shelleym: Sketchbook Jan 22 2014
shelleym: Sketchbook Jan 21 2014
shelleym: Sketchbook Jan 20 2014
shelleym: worth less
shelleym: strapped to my boot
shelleym: ollie
shelleym: background
shelleym: dwell
shelleym: talkbot
shelleym: call me
shelleym: wanted
shelleym: chicken coop wanted
shelleym: peace & quiet
shelleym: wow, I want a lot of stuff
shelleym: Finally: SPRING!
shelleym: Killing an afternoon
shelleym: Watch it, buster
shelleym: Road trip, anyone
shelleym: The back of an art journal
shelleym: With apologies to Teesha Moore
shelleym: Touchy subject
shelleym: Very random
shelleym: moody as hell
shelleym: family reunion 123