ZombiesniperJr: What type of bird? (The one on the right)
Lev Frid: Smith's Longspur
Chris G Earley: Overwintering Indigo Bunting
Curtis Combdon: Prairie Warbler
Ontario Birder: ABA #363 - Redwing!
curt.curt: 12/28 Slaty-Backed Gull with LBBG and GBBG!
Chris G Earley: Varied Thrush...in my backyard!
Fred Urie: Cambridge - Dec 31
Curtis Combdon: Hudsonian Godwit
sssttt1: Cattle Egret - Norfolk County
sssttt1: Least Bittern - Toronto
sssttt1: Townsend's Solitaire - Toronto
kellybalkom: Swamp Sparrow
kellybalkom: Swamp Sparrow
Ontario Birder: Blue Jay
Ontario Birder: ABA #311 - Hudsonian Gotwit!
Ontario Birder: ABA #310 - Yellow-billed Cuckoo!
sssttt1: Nelson's Sparrow (1) - RBG
Ontario Birder: Northern Parula
Ontario Birder: Sedge Wren!
sssttt1: Baird's and Semipalmated Sandpiper (1) - Claireville Reservoir
jem9red: DSCN0449
kellybalkom: Great Blue
kellybalkom: Least Bittern
kellybalkom: Belted Kingfisher
kellybalkom: Black -bellied Plover
kellybalkom: American Golden Plover