madras91: Retired potter at work
madras91: Beau repaire
madras91: Service !
madras91: ______II___
madras91: Greenery...
madras91: C'est le printemps !
madras91: Inner peace III
madras91: Inner peace II
madras91: Inner peace I
madras91: The painter
madras91: Un gars branché
madras91: Through the window
madras91: Enjoy a break
madras91: Men at work
madras91: Difficult choice
madras91: In the distance
madras91: Shepherd's Bush
madras91: Waiting time
madras91: Strength and weakness ( Camden Lock )
madras91: Whitechapel ( Where is Jack ? )
madras91: Brick Lane graffiti
madras91: Urban
madras91: Bank station
madras91: Brick Lane
madras91: Soho backlight
madras91: Miss
madras91: Because not very photogenic....
madras91: Canal Saint-Martin