inebriate: Orion mosaic
hirocun: Blue Comet C/2016 R2 PANSTARRS in Taurus with Zeiss Aposonnar 135mmF2.0 January 11, 2018 Dark Version
hirocun: Orion with Sigma 105mmF1.4 December 2019 Dark Version
snct-astro: The gamma cygni star and surroundings
BLUEMOON LIFE: 2019-2020 Taurus Clusters to Eridanus Loop
王烏魚(WYK): Perseus molecular cloud
王烏魚(WYK): 1499348-2000
Tarun Kotz: orion-attemp1-spacecat
snct-astro: Hyades, pleades and california
hirocun: Galactic Plane from Scorpius to Ara August 2018
王烏魚(WYK): M95/96/105
billtsai: 仙后座 IC1805
hirocun: Large Magellanic Cloud and Integrated Flux Nebulae Nearby with Aposonnar 135mmF2 December 2016 Dark Version
Aizer: DSC_5175
billtsai: 天蠍座頭部 (mosaic)
billtsai: NGC6188附近
rik58: La mano dell'Uomo
skycat1962: 雪降りしきる二寧坂
skycat1962: 夜明け前
hirocun: Blue Comet C/2016 R2 PANSTARRS in Orion with Zeiss Aposonnar 135mmF2.0 November 25, 2017
Tadayoshi Kosugi: Orion's Belt ( 2 frames mosaic )
gc.iaffaldano: Ngc 7497 and IFN