Ahala: 255/2 Semis M.ACILIVS M.F. similar or same as Cohen 1857 Acilia 3
Ahala: 544/21 Marcus Antonius. Denarius, 32-31, AR 3.88 g. Galley r., with sceptre tied with fillet on prow. Rev. LEG – VIII Aquila between two standards
punkbirdr: rufous hummingbird (selasphorus rufus)
punkbirdr: northern flicker (colaptes auratus)
castillerozaldívar: VERSALLES, PARÍS XXII
punkbirdr: spotted towhee (pipilo maculatus)
punkbirdr: hooded merganser (lophodytes cucullatus)
punkbirdr: gray-crowned rosy-finch (leucosticte tephrocotis)
punkbirdr: pine grosbeak (pinicola enucleator)
castillerozaldívar: Catedral de JAÉN
Ahala: 06 Roman Republican Coins Early Roman Coinage 326-214 BC (2)
frostback1: The Death Of Cleopatra - by Hans Makart (1875)
Joe Geranio: Gaius (Caligula). AD 37-41. Æ As (29mm, 11.61 g, 6h). Rome mint. Struck AD 37-38. C • CAESAR • AVG • GERMANICVS • PON • M • TR • POT •, bare head left / VESTA above, S C across field, Vesta, veiled and draped, seated left on ornamental throne, holding pat
Joe Geranio: SPAIN, Emerita. Augustus. 27 BC-AD 14. Æ As (25mm, 9.25 g, 6h). Facing head of Silenus; at chin, amphora pouring left / Pontiff driving team of oxen left, plowing pomerium. RPC 11; SNG Copenhagen 398-9.
Joe Geranio: The Triumvirs. Octavian. Autumn 30-summer 29 BC. AR Denarius (17mm, 3.73 g, 2h). Italian (Rome?) mint. Head of youthful Mars right, wearing slight beard and crested Corinthian helmet; IMP below / CAESAR around upper rim of circular shield, the central bos
Ahala: 1746 Duke of Pembroke collection in 308 thematically organised plates of coins
punkbirdr: bufflehead (bucephala albeola)
frostback1: La Donna dei Faraoni - 1960