Phil Korn: Scratchy and Catwoman love story...
Peter Kappel Pictures: Superman aka Homer
black.zack00: Home Sweet Home
xstc: The Lego Photographer
Mr.Lee Go-Grapher: Lego Star Wars 115
Phil Korn: "Execute Order 66."
Troopers4u: Clone Trooper Gunz: "The name is Gunz, sir. This crate actually belongs to me. I fitted it with a transmitter and used it as bait for the droids."
justbeamensch: Hamilton Ave- Detroit
justbeamensch: Malcolm on Warren
Arie Koelewyn: MSU Horticultural Gardens
Peter Kappel Pictures: LEGO - The real Superman
minicha-em: Yey! Sweden!
GillK2012: Jackdaw and Fallow deer
Phil Korn: Instagram! Happy Independence Day!
Mr.Lee Go-Grapher: Lego Star Wars 110
Bat Bricks: A bird's eye view.
Troopers4u: Link: "Got a bad feeling about this Sarge..."
leigarlun: Lego minifigs
leigarlun: Simpsons minifigs
leigarlun: Lego Simpsons minifigs
leigarlun: The Simpsons lego minifigs
iFab73: The Simpsons Sofa
GothGeekBasterd: Hey! Hey! Hey!
Mr.Lee Go-Grapher: Lego Star Wars 106
s.kosoris: June Camping Trip Day 1 - Forestman!