paper cut: Inside a cave dwelling
paper cut: Miracle stairs
paper cut: Santa Fe Flea
paper cut: Santa Fe Plaza with Patricia
paper cut: Drinking chocolate as it begins to snow
paper cut: The best of the four New Mexico license plate options
paper cut: Hotel Santa Fe
paper cut: Headed to Santa Fe
paper cut: Jeff's ryan face and lurk
paper cut: he picked it out just for ryan
paper cut: viewing the amazing cake
paper cut: the surprise went well
paper cut: surprise!
paper cut: ry face
paper cut: some of the crew prepares for the surprise
paper cut: celi's amaaazing cake
paper cut: my ryan face
paper cut: vickie's ryan face
paper cut: cody's dag and ryan face
paper cut: Matt's ryan face
paper cut: roman making my mom wish for another grandchild
paper cut: baby roman-ryan
paper cut: Justin and Ryan party hard
paper cut: first date
paper cut: heather's ryan face
paper cut: meg's ryan face
paper cut: isaac's ryan face
paper cut: pilot and co-pilot
paper cut: celi's ryan face
paper cut: Brandi's Ryan face