steph martel: The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself. - Anna Quindlen Be gentle with yourself today, friend. Print available in my shop 😊
steph martel: Do you know what you are? You are a manuscript of a divine letter. You are a mirror reflecting a noble face. This universe is not outside of you. Look inside yourself; everything that you want, you are already that. -Rumi Love who you are, friends.
steph martel: Getting my paint on in class (weeee!) I'm waiting for her face to dry so I can paint her hair. What color should I make the eyes?
steph martel: Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire. -St. Catherine of Siena New art "Be Yourself" available in my etsy shop today πŸ™
steph martel: Happy Monday, friends! Here's the first prompt to guide you on your journey to the heart of who you are. This series is about getting to know you + me. It’s a reflection of sorts to help you get to know yourself better (and I’m going to share, too!) When
steph martel: It's going to snow 8 inches today and instead of curse yet another snow storm, I'm trying to appreciate the time off πŸ™ I'm making this butterfly from scrap book paper to go with one of my girls--I love the colors!
steph martel: I'm excited to share something that's been blooming in my heart over the past few months! It's a series called: Getting To Know You + Me. It's a weekly reflection of sorts to help you get to know yourself better (and I'm going to share, too!) Because
steph martel: Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. – Lucille Ball
steph martel: I was late getting to painting today and almost totally threw in the towel altogether. But even 30 minutes of doodling, painting and stamping helps me to keep on my creative journey. It reminds me that the more I create, the more I have to say...
steph martel: I'm so excited to share my interview on "Hanging out with +Mad Mimi" with you! It was fun to talk about my art journey with Mira (who is a total sweetheart, by the way) and how staying open in any new adventure is so important. We talked about things lik
steph martel: What good is work if there is no play? Here is the latest that I'm working on in class tonight. And like a lot of things in life, how it looks in the beginning is very different from how it looks in the end.
steph martel: Here's a small piece of what I'm working on this cold winter morning. It's just a little reminder that you are special in your own way πŸ’œ
steph martel: The process of painting is a curious thing-- I love the journey but sometimes I get caught in that perfectionist trap. You, too? Taking a step back, keeping it fun, light +breezy always gets me to where I need to go.
steph martel: I got my new postcards! Can't wait to include this (and a personal note) with every purchase from my etsy shop. #loveletters
steph martel: There's an art in progress up on the blog today that shows the evolution of this sweet girl. I think she's my favorite one, yet! Come over and check it out. (Link in profile)
steph martel: The opening today was so awesome! It was so much fun to talk about my girls and where the inspiration came from. And I felt so lucky to have special friends, family and the real life inspirational ladies there with me to share the moment πŸ™Œ
steph martel: Beginnings are always messy. -John Galsworthy Here's a shot of a new beginning last night in class.
steph martel: I'm surrounded by color, music + sunshine. #happy #painting #selfie #wip #saturday #artist #naturalhigh
steph martel: New blog post up! (Link in profile) Try something for the first time today, you'll learn something new about yourself. #art #instaart #mixedmedia #vibrantlivingproject #arteveryday #blogpost #qotd #challengethecomfortzone
steph martel: I love painting first thing on Friday mornings β˜† It's a great way to start the day in a quiet and inspired way + my inner critic is still sleeping! What's your favorite way to start the day?
steph martel: Having some, well, inspiring thoughts about inspiration on the blog today :-) (Link in profile) How do you invite inspiration in to your life? #qotd #blogpost #instaart #inspiration #creativity #pink #mayaangelou #vibrantlivingproject #gowiththeflow
steph martel: I was playing with some backgrounds in class last night. Everyone talks about the daunting blank white canvas, but my struggle happens about half way through....(right about now). Do you know the point of transition for you? #wip #paintinginprocess #pai
steph martel: I'm dreaming + playing in the studio today and thinking about kindness; it's so important to be kind to others even when it's hard. I know in my heart that kindness is the way. This is a little peek of what I'm working on. #wip #art #acrylicartist #art
steph martel: "The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise man grows it under his feet. " J. Oppenheim. *New blog today* Do you know what makes you happy? (link in profile) We all have moments of struggle, but knowing what really makes you happy can hel
steph martel: Sunday morning view... #painting #workspace #wip #acrylicartist #art
steph martel: I'm really loving this quiet afternoon I've had painting, dreaming + playing. It reminded me of this quote: There is a morning inside you waiting to burst open into light. -rumi Love, love, love. #qotd #wip #acrylicartist #mixedmedia #acrylicart #art
steph martel: No matter what you're working towards, the process is part of it--try to enjoy the journey along the way... #qotd #art #wip #mixedmedia #acrylicart #trust #painting
steph martel: Not sure where it's headed, but it's a start... #wip #mixedmediaart #mixedmedia #acrylicartist #layers #painting #art #tgif #beginnings #flowers
steph martel: A gentle reminder for you: be kind to yourself β™‘ It's so easy to forget at times, isn't it? I'm showing the evolution of this little lady on the blog today (link in profile). Come take a peek! #mixedmedia #inspirationalart #kidart #painting #acrylicarti
steph martel: Happy birthday to my sweet niece, Grace! #doubledigitsnow #bigtime #10yearsyoung #timeflies