gretchen_connolly: First day of school
Cathy A Walters: 20180415_195014
Cathy A Walters: group shot
gretchen_connolly: Peter is 2!
jkenning: groupbricks
GrandAnne: Going to the Chapel
GrandAnne: Cuddle time
GrandAnne: Trish and the kids
GrandAnne: 10390394_10101314924188237_5411421704335708271_n
david&laura&fam: double stroller hug :)
GrandAnne: The girls
david&laura&fam: Lunchtime!
david&laura&fam: so blessed by this guy
david&laura&fam: Working on his crowd-winning smile.
lisaf437: lines, curves, and clouds
Margot~: pablito and laura and ray
laura lucille: left handed!
jkenning: trish's toast
jkenning: i'm in south bend and so is trish!
jkenning: laura opening her gift from trish