吳卡斯: IMG_1625
guitar_lover_tw: DSC01918-W
Michelle法法: 20151223 France Paris
Michelle法法: 20151227 Italy Milan
糾糾: Wave
Tzu-Yang,Tai: 服役期間的零碎
Gabriela Iacobuta: Laguna Cejar under Milky Way
Matthew Dartford: Snowdon Wales 10/01/16
LKT1119: _DSC0672
LKT1119: 000388760010
LKT1119: _DSC5330
John Andersen (JPAndersen images): summer clouds at sunset
LKT1119: File_001
Aking Chen: _AKC2828
Crusade.: The land ends here
LKT1119: _DSC4751
ig:inmyeye3: 2004-07-03
糾糾: _DSC6036
Joel Robison: Light Leads The Way
Tzu-Yang,Tai: 佳銘怡柔
Trey Ratcliff: Horseshoe Bend
@hipydeus: Raging Light
@hipydeus: Lost and Forgotten