E_O_S: Zhenru Temple, Shanghai China
foxfoto_archives: 20160624_SIGMA sd Quattro + 30mm F1.4 DC HSM A013
yuji hachiya: 2010.5.15
kiwi0320: 000125840032-1 Nikon FM3A + Nikon 85mm f/1.4 Kodak VISION3 250D 花蓮彩韻沖掃
kiwi0320: 000125840035-1 Nikon FM3A + Nikon 85mm f/1.4 Kodak VISION3 250D 花蓮彩韻沖掃
mookio 阿默: 默拍京都 2016 New Book
心碎小虫: 一无所有
心碎小虫: 外婆
kkzyk: a piece of Shanghai
mookio 阿默: 鏡頭的個性
polarisandy: Cantril Farm Biker Girl
Pete Back: 067 Birthday portrait (Fujifilm FP-100C)
Yuki Ishikawa Photography: My favorite time
librarymook: 宮崎あおい
Immane: Ils ne passeront pas.
manyfires: more cowbell (alpine adventures, part five)
J Howe: View to Mayor Island
A couple a three things: Supermarket flowers II
A couple a three things: Supermarket flowers