marthad: Jane Nicholas stumpwork piece - framed
marthad: Jane Nicholas stumpwork - unframed
marthad: mermaid band
marthad: millenium sampler
marthad: flower - grape band
marthad: close up
marthad: adam and eve band
marthad: Hoppy Spring kit
marthad: Hoppy Spring - Lorri Birmingham
marthad: Lion
marthad: 17th Century Stumpwork picture
marthad: Lady
marthad: Gentleman
marthad: close up of 3 days' work
marthad: almost 3 days' work
marthad: 1 day's work
marthad: close up of jacket back
marthad: back of the jacket
marthad: With 3-course meals "roughing it" is a relative term
marthad: Giant baobab tree
marthad: Contemplating the Kalahari while showering
marthad: nature walk with bushmen
marthad: bushmen
marthad: brown hyena
marthad: evening by the fire
marthad: adolescent meerkat hunting grubs
marthad: Dominant male meerkat
marthad: ostriches
marthad: Martha with meerkats
marthad: Friendly meerkats