Gotland girl: April 2017 30 pictures in a month
Gotland girl: Cherry blossom
Gotland girl: Cherry blossom
Gotland girl: Hot dogs
Gotland girl: A little yellow
Gotland girl: Grape Hyacinth - Explore #17
Gotland girl: Enchanted
Gotland girl: The Baltic sea
Gotland girl: First signs of Magnolia
Gotland girl: Sun dazed
Gotland girl: Reflections
Gotland girl: Perfume & pearls
Gotland girl: Pincushion
Gotland girl: Back to the 50's
Gotland girl: Tip toe through the tulips ...
Gotland girl: A squirrel in the garden finding hidden acorns.
Gotland girl: Childhood friend
Gotland girl: Soaking up the sun! (no snow today)
Gotland girl: Feather grass
Gotland girl: Bursting to get out!
Gotland girl: Seagulls and snow, a typical spring day in Sweden
Gotland girl: Windmill - Explore #16
Gotland girl: Mini daffodils
Gotland girl: Redwing - Rödvingetrast -Turdus iliacus
Gotland girl: Strolling in the sunshine
Gotland girl: A sea of blue
Gotland girl: Cling on to me
Gotland girl: A sad day for Sweden
Gotland girl: Spring posy soaking up the sun!