limnic6: music
Michelle GD: scribbling
Michelle GD: inserting myself into the light
Michelle GD: they begged to be photographed
Vivienne McMaster: The best words to find in a clothing store change room! #bodacious #beyourownbeloved #bodylove #bodypositive
Jennifer M Welch: It's a snow day
Jennifer M Welch: 6:52 of You - Diptych
limnic6: my kind of whimsy
Michelle GD: chewy molasses spice
limnic6: hello sunday #shuttersisters #elevatetheeveryday #nowyouworkshops #xoffering #mortalmuses
limnic6: comfort: my warm cuddly pullover (it's so cold this week, brrrr) #nowyouworkshops #shuttersisters #mortalmuses #elevatetheeveryday
limnic6: I will never be without love, but fall in coffee? That's fine by me. #shuttersisters #mortalmuses #ourcollectivetogether #nowyouworkshops #elevatetheeveryday
limnic6: finding peace in calm and cuddle with Katze #nowyouworkshops #elevatetheeveryday #mortalmuses #shuttersisters #ourcollectivemagic
limnic6: wish
FritzF2010: Pantropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata)
FritzF2010: Ostional
healingmoments: {bb19} hearts beating together
lauren waye: Day 15 : Chin
lauren waye: Day 12 : Skin
Jelena Mrkich: Rest your head, enter your heart.
vilmaca: My hands
Jennifer M Welch: Day 4:28 ~ lips & mouth. Beloved Body "If you hear a voice within you saying, "You are not a painter,' then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced." -Vincent Van Gogh
lauren waye: Day 5 : Eyes
vilmaca: Lips
vilmaca: Eyes...
limnic6: meditation
limnic6: 365_1
limnic6: heart