Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Ready and Waiting,22x11 watercolor on paper
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Charm School Dropouts, 11x7.5 watercolor on paper
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: All that Glitters, 7x5 watercolor on paper, inspired by Pia Bolte fashion designer. She totally rocks!
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Platinum and Gold
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Pia's Dreams
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: East Meets West, 22x15 watercolor on paper
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Street Style NYC
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Runway Finale, 22x15 watercolor on paper
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Fall Fashion Week
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: What's In Is Out
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Their Heads Were In The Clouds
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Let My People Go
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Her Perspective
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Olympic Dreamtime
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Lost in Reflection
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: What's In Is Out
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Shop Neiman Marcus
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Tell Me About It
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Free to Choose Her Destiny
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Fierce and Fragile
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: A Breath of Fresh Air
Cheryl Nelson Kellar: Aloha - Love, Peace and Compassion