Jon.Chang: Restless Cloud
Wilkof Photography: Pier Pressure [EXPLORE: 1/21/16]
Infomastern: Church at Sunset
milouvision: Mupe rock
Perry McKenna: Lifeguard Hut
ijustwanttosignin: Family walk
Stéphane Lollivier: Etretat -Normadie- [Explore 17/01/2016 #156]
Ranveig Marie Photography: ٠ When dusk steals the daylight ٠
gerhard.boepple - Seele und Sinne - Soul and Sense (E 11.01.2016)
TyroneRose: Taff sunbeams
NATIONAL SUGRAPHIC: Aerial Wintertime Fatih Complex
Croosterpix: Peaceful winter's night
Harvey Smith: As the lights come on (Explored 6th January 2016).
hauxon: The Watchman
mirrormatch: Panorama av mørketiden
milouvision: Waves II
Dany-de-Nice: Saint-Jean-Cap-Ferrat (06).
@K-Art StudioS: A New Beginning!!
All Shine: sunset in the other dimension...
Klaus Steinert: Lichterwald
hoomanz: Good bye 2015 and welcome to 2016
StevenTeokf: Tusan beach
hms831: 1/52 Every Journey Begins with a. . .
Elizabeth_211: We're In This Together