Wrestle MI Style ™ (2484630733): She deleted the tweet but just thought this was too damn funny not to screenshot, let's go get these stop signs Flickr fam!
jarrad2: Wrestled in these for the first time and you guys weren't lying when you said they're uncomfortable but they slick af so I'm gonna rock them no matter what. Btw these were an early Christmas gift 🎁
Devin JD: random guy on the train on my way to the charger game
mnwrestler17 ( 763-954-0568 ): I wanna see who's all still on, tag others who are active as well
FKIT WRESTLING: Life is good
mnwrestler17 ( 763-954-0568 ): More pics of the red freeks
SwegShoos: More beautiful than your first born
VA WILDCAT 113 (WANT NAVY FREEKS): HEAT on eBayPenny 5s: http://www.ebay.com/itm/161269441132?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649Barkleys: http://www.ebay.com/itm/161269438526?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
Tate.Carney106(785-269-7328): Oh you know just doubling up
kirkcoomes: Freeks!
Ephrata-PA-Brawlers: My favorite wrestler commented on my photo Jordan Oliver
wrestling blakemore7: What are these!
eastoncrissler: Blacked the gold outline
eastoncrissler: Aggressor Power Jeli15
elam.zach: The fab 3
SharylandWrestling: Personally this pisses me off on so many levels
DRod_seesgold: What do y'all think? My own actual made shoe :)
.Scrub.: Anyone want me to customize their inflicts??
wrestling blakemore7: Are these fucking real