heaventhere: 20170219131834_1
heaventhere: 20170219131807_1
heaventhere: test for a friend
heaventhere: Ambrosia
heaventhere: A much needed moment to relax at the Slog
heaventhere: We are about to get very wet
heaventhere: The ever ready Nick
heaventhere: Strong sneaking, ya it did not work
heaventhere: Stragon standing watch
heaventhere: Piper searching for a smoke
heaventhere: Piper ready to leave the Glowing Sea
heaventhere: Once this was home now all that is left is rubble and waste
heaventhere: My men
heaventhere: MacCready at home
heaventhere: Mac look outtttttt behind you
heaventhere: I know big guy gun is to small
heaventhere: Flying raider in PA
heaventhere: Hayden and the Dino Steven brought him for xmas
heaventhere: Son and grandson
heaventhere: Blue, Stragon and Dogmeat
heaventhere: Blue and Stragon
heaventhere: MacCready, Stragon, and Nick
heaventhere: Testing new DC police outfits
heaventhere: Testing new DC police outfits 2
heaventhere: Testing new DC police outfits 3
heaventhere: Testing new DC police outfits 4
heaventhere: Testing new DC police outfits 5
heaventhere: Sanctuary 3
heaventhere: Sanctuary 2