whitley@ymail.com: A wish to two happy people for a future of dreams coming true, Congratulations! #Happy Wedding #Guilin #Schoolmate
whitley@ymail.com: 那米粉, 那故事。 #Guilin
whitley@ymail.com: Shek O 石澳 A beachside village located on the south-eastern part of Hong Kong Island
whitley@ymail.com: 龍脊遠足徑,港島徑第八段,沿途風景飽覽南中國海、石澳、大浪灣、赤柱一帶壯麗景觀。
whitley@ymail.com: #Flower Season
whitley@ymail.com: #群山环峙 #峰峦叠嶂 #山深谷窈
whitley@ymail.com: 2017春季广东时装周 SALUTE 致敬梦想 TO DREAM 巨景&森马战略合作签约仪式 暨巨景刘平17SS专场新品发布会 #GUANGDONGFASHIONWEEK
whitley@ymail.com: Nice night view in Shenzhen OCTBAY.
whitley@ymail.com: Let's forget about Trump! 让我们纪念一下孙中山先生可好?
whitley@ymail.com: 岭南•天地
whitley@ymail.com: 来到孙中山故乡所在地——中山城 Cuiheng is best known as the birthplace of Dr Sun Yat-sen.
whitley@ymail.com: #Baiyun Mountain 重返经典白云山
whitley@ymail.com: China International Comics Festival #EXPO
whitley@ymail.com: 登高板障山俯瞰珠海澳门 I like topping topping...
whitley@ymail.com: 圆明园复原 Winter Palace
whitley@ymail.com: #Ferrari 488 GTB 3.9T 669 horsepower V8 maximum speed 330km/h
whitley@ymail.com: 在高的位置上看着下面的城市,跟一名外科医生看着一个手术中的病人一样。日落后,我又来到了另一个地方,那里开阔,风景一览无遗。风不大,吹拂着我的脸庞。城市里的高楼大厦都像一个个器官。在遥远的城市上方,我看到了纵横交错的线路,好像一颗心脏,下面挂着透明的蓝色灯,一条条高架道路像血管。路上的车像流动着的血细胞,车尾红灯,一闪一闪的。城市有节奏地砰砰跳动着,像一个永存的生物。#Rooftops #Rooftopping #Guangzhou
whitley@ymail.com: 只想睇人哋睇唔到嘅风景 #Guangzhou City from day to night. #Rooftopping #Rooftops @Roofttopping @Rooftopper
whitley@ymail.com: 只想睇人哋睇唔到嘅风景 #Guangzhou City from day to night. #Rooftops #Rooftopping
whitley@ymail.com: 只想睇人哋睇唔到嘅风景 #Guangzhou City from day to night. #Rooftopping #Rooftops
whitley@ymail.com: 以参展商身份参与2016中国(广东)国际旅游产业博览会 Welcome to China(Guangdong)International Tourism Industry Expo
whitley@ymail.com: For #friendship, For #happiness, For the #blueman.
whitley@ymail.com: 民盈山·智慧城×潮社——设计师支持计划2016广东时装周-秋季 #Smart #GuangdongFashionWeek Autumn
whitley@ymail.com: 民盈山·智慧城×潮社——设计师支持计划2016广东时装周-秋季 #guangdongfashionweek Autumn
whitley@ymail.com: Life lies in motion #fitness #westin
whitley@ymail.com: 我有故事也有酒 #人像摄影的开端 By #portraitlens
whitley@ymail.com: 下班坐船回家是一种什么体验?你们下班步行?骑车?乘公交?坐地铁?打的?公司班车?开车?还是?Back home after work by ship......funny experience😂 #广州水上巴士
whitley@ymail.com: #The Sea of Bamboo #The Color of Green
whitley@ymail.com: Come to see #LeonardodaVinci #达芬奇世界巡展广州站
whitley@ymail.com: Crazy #Climber #中国爬楼联盟 #Canton #GZ