Qyigo: 好多故事住在这栋楼里
Qyigo: #liaohe
Qyigo: Too cold to fly
Qyigo: Sunset scene
Qyigo: Sunset scene
Qyigo: advent
Qyigo: advent
Qyigo: advent
Qyigo: Last Xmas you broke my heart
Qyigo: beautiful Cull
Qyigo: ascent & descent
Qyigo: Hiking Day
Qyigo: primavera night
Qyigo: Plants & wine, a friend mine just pass by and brought those. Had a good talk
Qyigo: Plants & wine, a friend mine just pass by and brought those. Had a good talk
Qyigo: cafe
Qyigo: cafe
Qyigo: and a friday night
Qyigo: that no coming train
Qyigo: into the silent hill
Qyigo: like this light
Qyigo: wood
Qyigo: green her
Qyigo: i see this, and i want to go to Tibet
Qyigo: into the fog
Qyigo: LaFageda_1
Qyigo: LaFageda_2