The Cotton Floozy: Nap Viking #embroidery #naps #napviking
Existitchialism: little house hoop
Michelle Kingdom: The Night Bloomers
Michelle Kingdom: The Night Bloomers
Flaming Nora Crafts: Beverly Nightingale
Michelle Kingdom: How cloudy the glass had become
Michelle Kingdom: How cloudy the glass had become
scrumptiousdelight: Pizza anyone?? Cleo had a birthday party to go to so I took the opportunity to use this very pizza-ry fleece I bought a while back. Seriously though, that fabric...wouldn't it be hideous used for anything other than pizza??? #toy #plush #pizza #scrumpti
cocoaeyes: Planets of Durham
Rachel.Clare: I can see your soul
Rachel.Clare: metal thread embroidery
Michelle Kingdom: All those layers of opacity
Rachel.Clare: R C Reynolds - Side view 1
Existitchialism: #embroidery #vagina #vday
hanging-by-a-thread: Embroidered Mars Bar... sort of...
Michelle Kingdom: the composed look of something receding, something in which she no longer had any part
Michelle Kingdom: detail of the composed look
Michelle Kingdom: detail of the composed look
calicohal: Finished skull embroidery with quote
life is crafty: star_trek_quilt1
The Cotton Floozy: All of these cute mini-hoop embroidery magnets for the Utah Pride Festival. #pridefestival #utahpridecenter #utahpridefestival #utahpridefestival2014 #artvendor
The Cotton Floozy: @AlbatrossRecSLC - Custom embroidery finished and ready to be framed for Albatross Recordings and Ephemera in SLC. Everybody go visit them and say hi. #diabolicalrecords #shoplifters #warningsign #sharks #woodchipper #SLC #embroidery
The Cotton Floozy: Not murdering you is a full time job. #embroidery #craftsabbath
katherosthepure: Closer detail of piece for friend's house warming piece. No good light to be found.
UpShempCreek: Stevie Nicks Sheppard-Jacobs coozie
nearlybutnotquite: Sauce 2 framing 33
mabith: Penguins Reading
Lisa Leggett: Mermaid Hair Detail
Lisa Leggett: The Little Mermaid